5 Quick Tips to Look Better in Pictures

I am sure a lot of you have kept your tagged pictures to ‘Only Me’ privacy settings because you too have hoards of photographs you want to claim aren’t you? Same pinch!

With the Shaadi season in full swing and photographers snapping you all the time, I am sure these five quick tips will get you some great pictures as memories.

I have had the luck of working with some super fun and patient photographers, who have been nice enough to teach me the tricks of the trade. A few are observations of my own.

  1. Dodge that double chin in action by lowering your face and sticking out your chin:

I have seen so many pictures of women and men alike, lifting their face hoping to get a slightly defined jawline and while they may get that jawline, the picture looks outright unnatural.

A natural approach to hide that double chin is to lower your face and stick out your chin. Not only does the double chin look reduced but also your jawline becomes prominent.


In real life, I am way chubbier than this btw.

To read the full post featuring this photograph, click here.

2. Look Narrower by angling yourself:

Unless you are very petite, standing and facing the camera straight is not quite flattering.

If you are broad framed like me, you can counter that by angling yourself a tad bit and then looking at the camera, instead of standing with a full frontal profile.


To read the full post featuring this photograph, click here.

3. Hold that waist:

A red carpet cliche. IKR!

Hold your waist for a much leaner appearance. If you are wearing extremely loose clothes and need some shape, this is a must-do!


To read the full post featuring this photograph, click here.

4. Low Angles for Longer Legs: 

One of the simplest ways to look taller on camera is to take low angle shots, that makes your legs look longer and hence gives you an elongated appearance.


To read the full post featuring this photograph, click here.

5. Look a little over the lens of the camera/ shoulder of the photographer to avoid looking cock-eyed.

So this is something I face a lot! One of the best ways to avoid looking cock-eyed is to not directly look into the camera but either at the shoulder of the photographer or a little above the lens.


To read the full post featuring this photograph, click here.

Well, I really hope these tips are useful. 

Do employ these and drop me a comment below if these worked. 

If you have some more tips to share, please comment below as well!

A very happy shaadi season to you all!



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