Going Au Naturel with Blush By Diksha

Being a Bohemian soul, I had sort of come to terms with my acne, pigmentation and rough skin, frizzy hair issues. That only lasted till I ran into a skincare product range called Blush by Diksha about a month ago.

I happened to meet Diksha at one the events we were both participating in. I picked up one of her lip scrubs and face masks because hey, everyone was picking those out and I fell for the herd mentality too. 🙂

I used, I loved, I re-used! And then I got deeper into it and tried dissecting and comprehending, why did I love the products so much and why were they so effective?

Here are a few points that came to my light:

  1. 100% Natural ingredients and ZERO chemicals.
  2. Solutions for all issues, from head to toe.
  3. Plus some of her products are edible too. Double plus.
  4. They leave you fragrant like a dream and that fragrance lingers.
  5. They are actually effective unlike a zillion products loaded with chemicals, which claim to be so.
  6. Slightly perishable products, which means you will take take care of your skin more often. Baha! 😀
  7. Also, pocket-friendly.

Through this post, I have tried talking about five of my top most skin and hair related issues and five products from the range of Blush by Diksha that best deal with them. Since these are made of 100 % NATURAL ingredients, spoken about most of the contents too.

1. Issue: Dry, Frizzy Hair

I love the wind in my hair, but with that comes the dust. I love working out, but with that comes the perspiration! The result is dry, frizzy hair which could make me a perfect fit for playing The Lion King on stage.

Hair Balm Before

Fix: Frizzbanger Hair Balm by Blush by Diksha

With the main component being the harmless Aloe Vera gel, this hair balm can be worked on wet or dry hair as per your choice.

Hair balm second

The Experience and Effects:

One of the best parts about this balm is that it is so easy to use and can be worked on both dry and wet hair. Gives you immediate frizz-free hair but you need to be cautious to not use it in more quantity than required, as it might give you a slightly oily look especially if you have really thin hair like me.

Hair Balm After

However, it does control the frizz miraculously. You can simply apply and scrunch your hair for some added volume minus the frizz or comb it out like I have, for a sleek look.

2. Issue: Dark, Dehydrated Lips

Blame it on the wine, the sheesha, layers of dehydrating matt lipsticks or plain less consumption of water owing to our not-so-healthy lifestyles. The result is dry, dark, chapped, unattractive lips which can dull down your entire face.

Lip Scrub Before

Fix: Bubblegum Lip Scrub by Blush by Diksha

The prime ingredient is sugar which works as an excellent exfoliator and the flavour of the bubblegum is just so divine. Apply it on your lips and scrub for a maximum of thirty seconds or lesser.
Best part: You can LICK it off.

Lip Scrub Second

The Experience and Effects:

The fact that you can simply exfoliate and LICK the scrub off is great news for lazy people like us.

Lip Balm Last

In one use you can obviously not tell much, but I have used it many a times before as well. It obviously removes your dead cells immediately, lends a slight pinkish glow to the lips, and makes them look healthier. Oh, it’s also VERY TASTY.

It’s very portable; whenever, wherever!

It also comes in a couple of other flavours like Mint, Vanilla and Chocolate.

3. Issue: Lustre-less, disturbed skin, lots of blemishes

Blemishes, pigmentation and dull skin have always made me really shy to be photographed without makeup. I am sure a lot of you have faced this issue, where in, you just want to put a mask on and greet people or simply go underground in the absence of it.

Face mask before

It is natural for the glossy magazines have made us feel this way about ourselves.

Fix: Chunky Monkey Fresh Face Mask by Blush by Diksha

Needless to rub in again, this mask is made of banana, oats and of course a lot of other secret natural ingredients which I can’t reveal in this post. 😛

You just need a dollop to be evenly applied on your face; massage and rinse with water after 10-15 minutes. As easy as it sounds!

Face Mask second

The Experience and Effects:

Do you believe in an immediate glow? After using this product, you will, and I kid you not!

The banana acts as a good blending base as well as moisturiser, while the oats help scrub off the dead skin.

It helps you add all the missing glow from the pollution you are subjected to on a daily basis, within 15 minutes flat. Of course the more you use it, the more results you will notice.

Face Mask Last

So get ready to take that mask off and say hello to the world!

One drawback: This pack needs to be refrigerated at all times and is fairly perishable in nature. Can last in the refrigerator for about three weeks but will spoil if left outside.

Also, you can consult Diksha and have your skin analysed, she can recommend you a mask best suited for your skin type. 

4. Issue: Cracked, moisture-deprived, rough looking legs

My life practically revolves around short dresses and shorter dresses. Dull looking legs with flaky skin sure don’t compliment my short and shorter dresses. THIS ONE ALSO MAKES YOU LOSE WEIGHT. Discover more in the ‘PS’ section.

Body buetter bfeore

Fix: Get Dirty Body Mousse by Blush by Diksha:

Kinky as it may sound, don’t let your mind wander already. 😛

Prime ingredients being mint and chocolate, this one’s simply irresistible. Just apply wherever and whenever.

Body Butter Second

P.S: Get Dirty Body Mousse is also edible. Another fun fact, sniffing this could help you curb your craving for chocolate, means your brain thinks you have eaten chocolate, but you actually haven’t consumed those calories. 😉

The Experience and Effects:

All After Eight lovers would love the combination of chocolate and mint and so did I. Gives immediate moisturization and shine to your skin and makes them look so toned too. The fragrance is beyond divine!

Boy Butter last

This could be used on the hands or any other part of your body too, I just happen to be a leg person. 😉

5. Issue: Dark Toes, Shoes Bites cracked heels 

I am a little awkward about my broad, big feet and hence always tend to wear closed shoes: kicks or brogues. That generally leads to darker toes, enormous shoe bites and cracked heels as there is not much scope for ventilation in such footwear.

Foot Scrub before

Fix: On the Go Foot Scrub by Blush by Diksha

A sea salt laden foot scrub which can be used anywhere and everywhere by simply applying a small portion and scrubbing away to your heart’s glory.

Foot Scrub second

You can leave it on for 15-20 minutes and simply rinse clean.

The Experience and Effects:

Even though for the shoot, I couldn’t keep it on for about 15-20 minutes but I did experience an immediate riddance from dead cells. Even the cracked heels were dealt with to a great extent. It overall moisturized my feet well and left them smelling really sweet.

Verdict: Happy Feet(Quite Literally) !

Foot Scrub After

I wouldn’t say that the shoe bites were helped much immediately because obviously it was just the first use. I am fairly sure after repeated use some difference will sure be noticed.

So those were the issues I deal with on an everyday basis and these five products were my sure go-tos. The fact that it is natural and actually effective makes me want to be a repeat client.

All product shots

These are just some of the products that Blush by Diksha makes. In case you are extremely confused about your skin type and the kind of products you would need to use, Diksha would be more than happy to provide you consultation and recommend products accordingly.

You can connect with Blush by Diksha through Facebook and Instagram.

One more surprise awaits! Love the products already? Guess what, you can win hampers from Blush by Diksha by participating in this Mother’s Day special CONTEST on Instagram where three of you could win gift hampers. Do follow the instructions carefully and win these amazing products for yourself or your Mum.


Entries close on May 10. So hurry up!

All the pictures have been taken by the uber creative Oindrila Bhol. This shoot wouldn’t have looked like this without her contribution and hard work.

This happens to be a really different kind of a post that we have tried and I could really use some feedback. Do drop your feedback in the comments below and let me know your take on the same.

Until next time,



One Comment Add yours

  1. debdebasri2 says:

    I really really loved this post. I always believe that a great post is equal contribution by the content and pictures and that’s exactly what you achieved here, which generally is really difficult in a beauty blog. Kudos to you babe.

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