The Other F Word

Ask yourself how you are feeling at the very moment you are reading this. You will be surprised with your answers. Feel a myriad of emotions unapologetically!

We are visual beings! Expressing through colourful imagery will have our attention much more than just words scribbled in fine print!

Presenting The Other F Word: Feelings, a Srishti Nadhani & Nisha Chowdhary collaboration.


Freeze, fight or flight; that’s a basic instinct. What made you stronger when you thought it was all over! Wish you could shut your senses to shun all the judgements. Feeling like the “frog in the well”; hearing footsteps when you are the only one on that path. You feel trapped!


Ever felt like you are going the other way on a one-way street. Ever felt like you are on a giant wheel when you are just sitting on your bed? An open door that looks half shut!


A shower after a long day, those few precious moments devoid of all thoughts! Sitting amidst the greens, still. Listening to your inner voice, believing in yourself, a mindfully eaten meal, meditation. The tightest hug you give yourself.


An unsatisfied state, a longing for something. Being better than what you are, where you are. Love, peace, happiness, acceptance, money, is vying for all of them bad?

Is passion inversely proportional to desire? Is there something as too much or too little desire?


A hot mess! You are self-consumed, looking at nothing/ no one beyond yourself. A sense of power and helplessness at the same time.


A maze, amaze! Ever felt like you are losing balance, a sense of self? Self-worth is at its lowest lows; a kaleidoscope of emotions experienced in a pulse. One may feel you have it all and your life is “seemingly perfect”, but is it?

This shoot has been a refreshing break from all the commercial projects. I would love to know what “feeling/feelings” did this shoot inspire in you. Comment below and let me know.

This shoot wouldn’t have been possible without Siza Biswas, the backbone of the whole process from ideation to styling to art direction to the BTS shooter to the entertainment provider. A big thanks to Ridhi Sharma for all the fun BTS and silent source of joy! Thanks for sacrificing a Sunday brunch to make this happen! Also thanks to Juhi Chowdhary for the impromptu rapid fire round and proofreading and giving some good phrases for this post.

Until next time!

Lots of love,



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Anupriya says:

    This is so so beautiful Srishti!!!
    Each frame, each location, each angle – gorgeous and SO aesthetic! Full editorial vibes!

    The feeling I felt on seeing this is AWE! 😍

    Can’t wait to see more amazing stuff like this!!

    1. Thank you so much. ❤

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