The Other F Word

Ask yourself how you are feeling at the very moment you are reading this. You will be surprised with your answers. Feel a myriad of emotions unapologetically! We are visual beings! Expressing through colourful imagery will have our attention much more than just words scribbled in fine print! Presenting The Other F Word: Feelings, a…

The Urban Soul feat. Priyanka Bhalotia

Urban Souls: Dreamers, Believers, Over-Achievers. An Urban Soul knows that an intensive run can heal their life! An Urban Soul knows the importance of that first espresso shot in the morning. An Urban Soul knows how to party the whole night but still report at work when the clock strikes nine! An Urban Soul knows…

I am ME(lanin) feat. Aditri

Hi, I am ME(lanin). I am the sun’s mistress. Maidens aren’t bethroed to ‘good’ grooms because of me. Educated women are turned down at jobs because of me. The sales of haldi and besan shoot up, because of me. Women become the targets of salespersons pushing fairness creams/anti-tan packs down their throats,  because of me….

#BringIndiaHome with UCOI

One fine day, I was taking a walk down one of the quaint lanes of Hindustan Park when my eyes met a little birdie’s. I felt an instant connection. And the rest, they say, is history! Presenting UCOI, Unifying Crafts and Design. At the surface level, it may seem like just another home decor store,…

Role Reversal: A One-Way Street?

I observe. I observe as I take a walk down the street. I observe when I sit at a nearby cafe and people pass by. I observe when I look you straight in the eye with my piercing glare. I observe as you read this post. I observe to get inspired. I observe to get…

Bag-ing my summer favourites from Peaubella

Layering as a concept becomes quite alien to India in the summers, isn’t it? So the best way to still keep your style quotient high, is by letting your accessories do some serious talking. And do I know a woman who doesn’t love her bags? Bet not! Presenting my six favourite summer bags(actually they can…

Beauty for All

Porcelain skin, hourglass body, pearl white teeth and lustrous hair may be the ideal definition of ‘beauty’ for most. We beg to differ. I am sure our tribe will have a lot of takers out there. (A Srishti Nadhani and The Bong Munda collaboration feat. Ornaete by Radhika Joshi. ) For us, beauty is beyond…

What to expect at Sutraa~Spring~A~Fair

Seasons change, people change, how can you expect your wardrobe to not? Presenting Sutraa~Spring~A~Fair to give your wardrobe an ultimate facelift. Date: 13th March, 10 am onwards Venue: The Oberoi Grand, Kolkata After a successful run at various cities in the country, Sutraa is all set to make its debut in the city of joy….

Log Kya Kahenge feat. Pixel Amalgam

“Log Kya Kahenge?” Maybe she married a doctor instead of becoming one, because of these three words. Maybe she wanted to adopt a child but had to give birth to one, because of these three words. These three words have ensured that the society calls all the shots. How to dress or not. How to…

Winter Diaries feat. Fenasia

Winter is here! Cuddles, hot chocolate, mulled wine, secret escapades, ugly jumpers, layering, long eye contacts with random strangers; winters just cannot give you enough reasons to love it. The season of new beginnings, the slightly slo-mo pace of life; my official favourite season is here. You are about to experience a visual diary of…

What to expect at Temporary?

With the nip in the air, everyone wants to explore and indulge in exciting experiences. Temporary is not your run-of-the-mill pop up. It’s a highly curated experience offering the best in Fashion, Lifestyle and Food topped with innovative Live Sessions to make the experience a holistic one. Happening at The Old House on the 17th…

All things Quirky feat. Vrede

I am naturally attracted to all things quirky and that’s nothing new! However, what is new is a home-grown label called Vrede that I am so excited to introduce you all to. Vrede is a contemporary fashion label which juxtaposes highly original prints with high tech fabrics. And when I say prints, these aren’t just…