Going Au Naturel with Blush By Diksha

Being a Bohemian soul, I had sort of come to terms with my acne, pigmentation and rough skin, frizzy hair issues. That only lasted till I ran into a skincare product range called Blush by Diksha about a month ago. I happened to meet Diksha at one the events we were both participating in. I…

5 Quick Tips to Look Better in Pictures

I am sure a lot of you have kept your tagged pictures to ‘Only Me’ privacy settings because you too have hoards of photographs you want to claim aren’t you? Same pinch! With the Shaadi season in full swing and photographers snapping you all the time, I am sure these five quick tips will get you…

What to expect at Streets of India?

I am fairly sure that “Streets Of India” is something that has made its way to your newsfeed a good number of times already. So let me tell you a little more about it. Streets Of India is basically a three-day festival in itself, curating the best in fashion, food and art spanning across India at…

Working Easy With EasyDaftar

Many of you may know, many wouldn’t. In any case I will repeat. Alongside being a blogger and a freelance fashion stylist, I am also the Co-Founder of an online fashion store called StoreUntold which sells well-styled looks and products to Fashion Progressors. Running between shoots and meetings, whatever time I am left with is…