The Other F Word

Ask yourself how you are feeling at the very moment you are reading this. You will be surprised with your answers. Feel a myriad of emotions unapologetically! We are visual beings! Expressing through colourful imagery will have our attention much more than just words scribbled in fine print! Presenting The Other F Word: Feelings, a…

The Urban Soul feat. Priyanka Bhalotia

Urban Souls: Dreamers, Believers, Over-Achievers. An Urban Soul knows that an intensive run can heal their life! An Urban Soul knows the importance of that first espresso shot in the morning. An Urban Soul knows how to party the whole night but still report at work when the clock strikes nine! An Urban Soul knows…

7 Ways to Restyle Your Wardrobe for the Shaadi Season

Every time you open Facebook, you see someone or the other is engaged. More weddings means more ethnic clothes and hoarding ethnic clothes isn’t something I enjoy. Instead, I team existing ethnic wear with some western wear staples to create a very individualistic style. 1. The crop jacket and bustier: I have teamed a velvet…