I am ME(lanin) feat. Aditri

Hi, I am ME(lanin). I am the sun’s mistress. Maidens aren’t bethroed to ‘good’ grooms because of me. Educated women are turned down at jobs because of me. The sales of haldi and besan shoot up, because of me. Women become the targets of salespersons pushing fairness creams/anti-tan packs down their throats,  because of me….

Role Reversal: A One-Way Street?

I observe. I observe as I take a walk down the street. I observe when I sit at a nearby cafe and people pass by. I observe when I look you straight in the eye with my piercing glare. I observe as you read this post. I observe to get inspired. I observe to get…

Bag-ing my summer favourites from Peaubella

Layering as a concept becomes quite alien to India in the summers, isn’t it? So the best way to still keep your style quotient high, is by letting your accessories do some serious talking. And do I know a woman who doesn’t love her bags? Bet not! Presenting my six favourite summer bags(actually they can…