The Urban Soul feat. Priyanka Bhalotia

Urban Souls: Dreamers, Believers, Over-Achievers. An Urban Soul knows that an intensive run can heal their life! An Urban Soul knows the importance of that first espresso shot in the morning. An Urban Soul knows how to party the whole night but still report at work when the clock strikes nine! An Urban Soul knows…

Review of #HimalayaWinterBundle

Winters have to be my most favourite season. One can layer, sip on numerous cups of hot chocolate without guilt, but it has its downside too. Your skin needs extra special care and gives up on you despite all the attention! To my rescue, comes the Winter Hamper from Himalaya. #HimalayaWinterBundle The hamper is a…

What to expect at Canvas E03?

With the mercury dropping, all I want to do is Shop, Eat, and Connect at a lush garden under the winter sun. Presenting the third Chapter of Canvas on 12th January at Kenilworth Hotel Gardens. What makes Canvas so unique is the presence of varied entrepreneurs hailing from so many different fields, who aren’t there…

Losing my fears with Aditi Jhunjhunwala

The only layers I have ever liked in my life are that of a Chocolate Cake; the more the merrier of course. Having said that, I have always been petrified of layers in Photoshop, Corel Draw, Illustrator or any other software which I have absolutely no clue about. Till now Canva had been my Mecca…

November #OOTD RoundUp- I

November 2016 can be best described as the month of flux. From the temperature to the economy to our wardrobes; ‘change’ has struck all the layers of our lives! I spent about two weeks in Bangalore early this month and returned to Kolkata following that. Here’s a quick round up of my #OOTDs for November…

The Dark Side Feat. QUENCH

The temperature has dipped, comforters are out and we have all started resorting to our comfort colour for the season- Black. An All-black shoot had been on my mind for quite sometime now, and on my recent trip to Bangalore I finally made it happen. Many of you may have heard of the label QUENCH,…