From Summer To Winter

A post demonstrating five quick and easy ways to translate your favourite summer pieces into your Winter/Autumn looks.

October OOTD Round-up

October is synonymous with festivities and this year was rather over-whelming. From Durga Puja to Diwali to so many blogger events in between. October gave me quite a few occasions to keep my OOTD game on point. Sharing some of my favourites and also their break up here. 1. Welcoming Autumn the Street Smart Way: …

Northwest at my fashionable best- I

The Meteorological Department is not your Mother, and hence, should not be trusted upon, blindly. The much predicted rain showers didn’t happen, and it was not me, but the sun that was having a ‘blast’, when I headed Northwest to the city of lakes, Udaipur. Day 1: White is definitely one’s most obvious choice for summers and…